31 Questions To Ask Your Doctor Is Coming Your Way!

Get ready to feel confident and empowered when you go to your next appointment!

Keep an eye out!
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While you’re here

Wish there was a magic button you could press to start feeling like a million bucks?

What if we told you that this button exists and it’s right on this page?!

Here’s the scoop…You’ve gotta check out Phase It…

Phase It is a science-backed health and fitness program designed specifically to help perimenopausal and menopausal women achieve hormonal balance. Because you deserve to live your best life!

Phase It includes everything you need to feel like yourself again (only way better)!
  • Customized meal plans (including vegan, gluten-free, and keto)
  • 800+ quick easy, delicious recipes
  • Access to fitness programs featuring strength and mobility workouts
  • Audio guided walks
  • Guided meditations
  • A full library of hormone support resources, education, and tips
Plus, you’ll be led by a world-class team of experts to help you every step of the way.

We focus on FITNESS, NUTRITION, and HORMONE SUPPORT – the 3 key pillars to ending hormonal mayhem and putting a stop to those pesky menopausal symptoms, so you can live your best (mid)LIFE!

Ditch the complicated, hard-to-follow fitness and nutrition plans. Stop trying to wade through medical jargon to try to understand what‘s going on with your hormones! 

Just join Phase It – your body will thank you!
Join the 90,000 women who are feeling fitter, healthier, and happier with Phase It.

Take control in 3 simple steps!

Step one

Join Phase It

We know the struggle of feeling dissed and dismissed by doctors, friends, and even your family.

You deserve better than that. Click the button below to join us!
Step Two

Get your nutrition, fitness, & hormone support plan

Start by taking a short quiz (there are no wrong answers!) so we know how we can help!

Then, you’ll get a custom plan to start slaying peri+ menopause symptoms.
Step Three

Feel like yourself again
(only way better)

We’ve cracked the code to solve problems like hormonal weight gain, mood swings, and what nutrition works best in this season.

Get ready, pretty girl! You’re about to feel amazing!

You might be asking yourself, why should I listen to this chick?

Chalene Johnson is a fitness industry icon, gaining notoriety as a Beachbody trainer and holding The Guinness Book of World Records title for selling the most fitness DVDs (over 10 million!).

With 30+ years in the business, it’s safe to say she knows her stuff! After facing some harsh health realities, Chalene decided it was time to make a change. Perimenopause had reared its ugly head, and Chalene was having none of it.
Like you, Chalene felt her body was turning against her – itchy ears, frozen shoulder, mood swings, stubborn weight gain… the list goes on!

There was no way Chalene was going to let hormonal imbalance win. But it wasn’t easy. The mainstream media has indoctrinated women to believe that aging isn’t sexy… that midlife equals frumpy.

Ultimately, Chalene decided to try doing things a new way – a simpler way that felt GOOD! She ditched the diet dogma and the fitness fanaticism. But, as she entered Phase 2.0 of her life, she struggled to find solutions from a long list of mounting symptoms that she later associated with perimenopause.

After years of research and consulting with doctors on the cutting-edge of menopausal research, Chalene decided it was time for a change. It was time to make this information available to everyone.

And now at 55, Chalene has unlocked the secret to aging vibrantly. She’s in the best shape of her life, and she’s got the before and after bikini pics to prove it. No counting macros, no crazy workouts, no following TikTok trends.

If you’re here, there’s something you need to know.

Looking and feeling your best AT ANY AGE comes down to two things: balancing your hormones and having healthy habits. Psst.. It’s easier than you think, and Chalene is your guide. She’s been there, done that, and is going to help you feel like yourself again (only way better).

Welcome to Phase It. This is gonna be fun!

xo, Chalene

Ready to start feeling like yourself again – only way better? You’re invited to join Phase It.

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